Henry Miller

Henry Miller once said, “The best way to get over a woman is to turn her into literature." To that I say, "Word."

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hi, My Name Is...

"I know someone who has a crush on you, but I can't tell you who."
"What!? Come on. That's like cruel and unusual punishment," I whined.
Grabbing the door handle with one hand and gripping 10 pounds of files with the other, she looked down upon me at my desk, squinted her eyes and said, "All I can tell you is, if someone comes in here and asks you out, just say yes," and with that she was gone.

I was left with the entire weekend to ponder who this mystery man could be; everyone was a suspect. Of course there were the obvious candidates
you know, the ones that would make sense, but not the ones you want. Then there were the few that I wouldn't even allow myself to think about for fear of being let down. "No way," I thought, "can't possibly be him."

Come Monday morning I had one mission and one mission only. I picked up the phone and dialed the extension that I'd dialed so many times before, but this time was different.

"Hi, this is Mary Lee."
"Good morning," I said all bright eyed and bushy tailed.
"Good morning."
"How are you?"
"Good, and you?"
"Great! Hey," I pounced, "got a question for ya. So are you going to give me any hints or are you just going to let this thing eat me alive?" How's that for a question? Yeah, I thought it was pretty good too.

"I promised I wouldn't say."
"Yeah, yeah. How 'bout I just start guessing and you can tell me if I'm getting warm? Eh, eh??" She didn't say no within that half second I gave her to respond, so obviously she had agreed. On to the guessing!

"Does his name start with an 'R'?"

Phew! Dodged that bullet.

"Does it start with an 'S'?"
"Uh uh."

"Is it Mike?"
"Who's Mike?"

Cool, wasn't hoping for that either.

"You've probably seen him walking past the office before...he may have even waved to you," she said.
"Does he work at the bar?"
"Now why would you say that?"

It was at this point that I began to get that same feeling that comes over you when your mom begins to say "Warm, warm, waarrmmer" as you're opening the coat-closet door to undoubtedly find the best present EVER! Of course, most of the time, it turns out to be socks, but those five seconds before knowing are sick.

"Is he really tall?"
"My age?"
"Uh huh."
"As a heart attack. By the way, his name is Jim and you're welcome."
"Thank you!"

As I hung up the phone I realized I suddenly had a case of the grins. It was one of the worst I've had in years; I just couldn't shake it. Worse yet, as the day drew on additional symptoms appeared
one of which included being giddy as a school girl. This was serious.
My severe case of the happys continued over the next few days; however, come the third, nothing had happened and my symptoms began to fade as I thought about how unlikely a scenario this really was. I mean think about it. Here's a girl, who you've never met, and you're supposed to walk in cold to her office, while she's working, and in front of her coworkers ask her out? Umm...yeah, like that's going to happen.
I decided it was best to leave my school-girl notions at the door and get back to reality. Knowing that a handsome someone had a crush on me would have to be enough.

I had all but gotten on with my life, when suddenly, it happened. Sensing a shadow at the door, I looked up to see a tall, handsome man walking in with what else? Coffee.* It is the price of entry after all.

"Crap, this is really happening," I said to myself as my heart pounded a little faster.

His hand shaking a little, he placed the coffee down on my desk and said, "Hi, my name is Jim."
"Hi, I'm Jenna."
"Hi, Jenna. I've heard we have a lot in common and that I should ask you for your number and not take no for an answer."

Whoa! Right? I mean how often do you hear something like that nowadays? It takes a lot to rattle me, but I'm not going to lie, I was rattled.

In the coolest, most un-nervous voice I could muster, I responded, "Well in that case, I better give you my number."

To be continued... Yes, I know I'm evil :)

*For the coffee reference, see "The Best Part of Waking Up."